Is homework harmful or helpful?

Homework’s value has sparked numerous debates for ages forcing different educational stakeholders to take opposing sides. The proponent side backs homework as beneficial while the opponents create loopholes of doubt. One thing that has been quite hard to determine is the amount of homework to be assigned as well as if parents’ involvement should be allowed.

When is homework helpful?

Here at Signal Hill School in Voorhees, NJ, we believe that students need to keep on practicing to be proficient. Homework provides the right environment for this kind of exercise and enables students to review the material and concepts learned in school. Once they are unable to finish their homework, this is an indication that they need more from our tutors.

Teachers always believe that learning should not only happen in school nor during school hours only but be practiced anywhere. Unlike teachers, parents have mixed opinions about homework. However, many agree to the fact that homework can be a little challenging at first but once the student is confident enough in their education, it becomes much easier to sparking the need for independence.

When is homework harmful?

While it is hard to say, many critics continue to criticize the very essence and existence of homework. For instance, The Homework Myth’s author, Alfie Kohn, has consistently pointed out that homework is a strong source of frustration, family-related conflicts, exhaustion, depriving kids’ essential time for developing their interests, and making learning less exciting.

He further insists that there is no evidence to show that homework is advantageous especially to children in elementary schools. Therefore, there is no reason to claim that it instills independence, good work ethics, and self-discipline. He even states that homework extinguishes curiosity in children

On the other hand, others support homework and continue to verge support for the assumption that it helps students become independent, good time managers, and responsible citizens.

Parents and homework

Although parents are often busy with other responsibilities, they are always concerned about their children’s welfare. When it comes to economics homework, here are a few tips to consider when evaluating its value to your child:

Always countercheck the homework given by your district’s homework policy. While doing this, ensure that the assignments conform to the stipulated guidelines. Speak up if these do not meet the threshold.

Beware of its quality. Assess whether the homework is designed to keep your child excited about learning and if it inspires critical thinking on their part. If it does not, then there must be a problem somewhere. Bring this up with the teacher as soon as you can.

Be your child’s keeper by assessing homework’s impact on your child. If it seems stressful and exhaustive, write his/her teacher a note explaining your situation.

I know that some parents mistakenly offer too much support to their children when it comes to homework. This is an abuse of parental involvement. No matter how strong the urge is, resist doing the homework yourself. This could hinder the identification of your child’s weak and strong areas on a given subject.
